bounce fetch

Carolyn's Corner

A dog kissing Carolyn

Carolyn Lapps is the General Manager at Fetch Family Pet Resort. Her love and passion for all animals began at a young age and has led to a career. She is frequently consulted on pet socialization, family integration issues, and is highly regarded for her experience with domestic animal management and care.

untrained dog

The Risks of an Untrained Dog

As someone who is around dogs all day every day, I am frequently amazed by the amount of money one will spend on their furry family member with toys, bedding, and grooming – yet never invest a cent towards training. Many pet owners think they can do it themselves, and while some people can, most…

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Dog showing off new toy

The 3 – 3 – 3 Rule

So, you just adopted a dog. Wonderful news and congratulations from all of us at Fetch Family Pet Resort. Now what? I know – off to the Pet Supply Store or a binge on Amazon for food, bed, toys, chewy things – but how about beyond that? What comes after the euphoria of a new…

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two dogs smiling

How to Notice Anxiety in Your Dog

Dogs can have anxiety for a myriad of reasons, and different dogs respond to the same environment in different ways so there is no cookie-cutter way to predict how a dog will react and what will cause them stress. Most of the time anxiety in dogs is directly related to a lack of training and…

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small dog in private space

Why Dogs Need Private Space

We are going to confront the word “crate” once and for all, because, simply put, a crate is not a bad thing for your dog. Dogs come from wolves and, wolves are denning animals. Dogs need a den of their own. Most homeowners use crates or outdoor doghouses for such (another subject for summer). Dogs…

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happy dog on the playground

When a Trainer Might Help

No dog is perfect – just like no dog is perfect and unlike the last car your bought, a dog doesn’t come with an owner’s manual. Although, sticking with the car analogy, there are a times when your dog can be out of alignment, and that’s when a trainer might be of help. Here are…

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two dogs playing together

The COVID Dogs: Generation P

Approximately 3 million new U.S. pets were purchased or adopted to brighten lives during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a surge unprecedented, and therefore comparative analysis is not available – but the behavioral differences in the “Generation P” dogs are noticeable. Many Generation P dogs, when approached by a stranger, or a…

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Carolyn and smiling dog

Oral Care for Your Dog – A Priority

February is National Pet Dental Health Month, but dental health should be practiced daily by all pet owners. You’ve heard the expression, “Dogs are people too” – well they need oral care just like people! Here are a few things to keep an eye out for when caring for your pet: Halitosis, or bad breath,…

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Carolyn hugging a group of dogs

Keeping Pets Safe in the Summer Heat

The warmer temperatures and high humidity can pose a threat to your pets. It gets particularly scary when power outages occur so here are some suggestions on how to keep your pets safe during the summer heat and the warning signs to look for which indicate your pet may be at risk. Never ever leave…

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Two smiling dogs

Candid Talk on Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is slang for upper respiratory disease known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis or canine cough. The moniker “kennel cough” is a misnomer that has stuck and is a source of debate much like the moniker “Spanish flu.” A kennel does not cause the respiratory issue, and the Spanish did not cause the flu of…

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Two smiling dogs in bandanas

What is Canine Enrichment?

All our dogs love to play. Whether it’s chasing a ball for hours, a tug of war with a favorite toy, or simple rough housing, our pets love physical activity. However, they need more than this – a dog needs to exercise their senses such as sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smell. They also need…

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